Notes PostgreSQL 12.2 Doc Notes Notes for the official PostgreSQL 12.2 documentation. I began writing these notes in OneNote, but I found it difficult without Markdown support. Especially when writing code. These are incomplete and continuously being added to.
DevOps Hosting Multiple Ghost Blogs on a Single Machine in Production How to host multiple ghost blogs on a single production server with SSL encryption, live backups and nightly backups.
Course Notes Week 3: Coursera - Financial Markets by Yale University Exploring Stocks, bonds, dividends, shares, market caps along with corporation basics and basic financial markets history.
Course Notes Week 2: Coursera - Financial Markets by Yale University Diving into details of behavioral finance, forecasting, pricing, debt and inflation.
Portfolio Microsoft PowerBi HoloLens Demo Application Working with T4G Limited, we built a HoloLens demo for Microsoft to demonstrate how the HoloLens could be used with their PowerBi analytics service.
HoloLens HoloLens and DepthMask for Invisible Planes How to render invisible planes on the Microsoft HoloLens.
Portfolio AshleyMegan Taking fashion and technology to the next level with digitally augmented jewelry.
Portfolio VuHolo A social platform which empowers people to mix the digital and physical world on their own terms. With a strict "No Advertisement" policy, VuHolo focusses on creating a marketplace for digital experiences.
.NET Core Getting Started with MongoDB and .NET Core 1.1 Web API Coming from the Microsoft Stack, many .NET developers may overlook NoSQL databases. With amazing tools like Entity Framework, SQL Express, SQL Object Explorer built right into Visual Studio, why would
Portfolio Life Coach Mary Pat Certified Life Coach Mary Pat Vollick needed a website to bring web presence to her business. Instead of just a simple profile page, she opted for a blog so she